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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Teachers Pay Teachers

Soo---I know a lot of bloggers sell their items, and I never thought I would, and I'm still not sure what I will do at this point.  There's a range of thoughts/feelings running through my head...is my stuff good enough...will it sell...who really wants my things...will my stuff be suitable for other teachers...could I make some money so I can spend it back in my classroom..see--lots of thoughts. My husband says--just try it---see what happens--you never know.  I usually don't listen to him, BUT---he's being very supportive, so maybe I'll see what happens. 

The website itself---I really like.   The products for sale there are very reasonable.  There are a lot of wonderful bloggers out there that have their products for sale.  There are also MANY resources available for free. Membership to join is free as well. 

Soo--I have started my own store. At this point, I only have one item in there---and it consists of  two Halloween centers that you can get.  They are both FREE!!!!!  One is a Math fact family sort for numbers 5-10.  The other center is a noun sort.  I tried to use easier words (or words they were familiar with) so my students can read them.  There are recording sheets available too. 

You can click on the Teachers Pay Teachers button above my blog button to access my store.  Again, these centers are FREE--and the site is free to join!! 

***Side note*** The activities I posted, I was going to do as a give away for 100 followers, but seeing that it's Halloween related, I didn't know how long it would take to get there....hence it being in the store.
  AND---if I do sell my products---I will continue to post freebies on here as I have in the past--maybe my next post will be 100 followers?  Care to help a girl out?  

Any thoughts? Suggestions? 


  1. I just recently (about 2 weeks ago) joined TeachersPayTeachers, and I love it, too! I totally identify with you wondering if my products will sell and if they're good enough. I've sold around 10 products so far, and my freebies have had quite a few downloads. I still have some other things I need to add too.

    I think the biggest hurdle is simply getting your product out there. The '10 Most Recent' listing refreshes so quickly, and unless someone really does some searching, it's easy for products to get buried. The best way to get products noticed seems to be word of mouth/blogs. So, we will see.

    There's some other sites out there similar to TeachersPayTeachers like Teacher's Notebook, but there's a membership. I'm curious as to how well my products would sell on there. I want to see how well I do on TPT first.

    Good luck with TPT!

  2. Thanks for the information on TPT. I'm still new to all of this and feel clueless.

    My freebies are doing well--hopefully my paid products will get the same amount of hits when I post them.

    I wish you luck on TPT--I'm one of your newest followers :)


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